A Theory Of Business.

Dear friends, as we all know business is a process of doing some act to make a profit in some kind, in general for purpose of money.
            I have few thought about business and I would take a privilege to share the same with u.
According to my thought, business is not only making or earning money, it also includes a art of saving money.
Dear frnd.. every person has a common wish to fulfill his minimum needs and earn extra for small luxury life, as we all know they are 3 kind of people. Upper class, middle class, and poor class people. Infact I jus don’t feel necessary to explain about class, since u know your also belongs one kind of class with in this 3.
As I said business not alone includes idea of earning money, but even saving a money is also part of business. Here I would like to add meaning for money is time.
Most of our management grads and post grads shall have learnt the theory how to do business and earn money, however some of  they also applied in practical life and most of them are succeeded,
Well frnd’s  firstly why we need to do business, when we have opportunity to work under many big organizations, company’s, factories.
 Here under I can say the reason why people opt business.
1.      For financial independence
2.      To be one’s own boss
3.      For creative freedom
4.      To use one’s skill completely
5.      To be free of other people’s policies and procedure’s
6.      For personal recognition
7.      perhaps the most important reason is to make profit.

Whatever the business, to be successful there must be a need for the particular products or services offered. To determine if your intended business will fill a need, you must first address yourself- who, what, why, where, when and how of your proposed venture. There are many questions which might arise in your mind and some times that may lead to one’s mental confusion and do’s something should not be done.
     So frnd I can say in simple word to keep in mind before u start any business  “NOTHING IS BEYOUD YOU 

     However we should be very cautious , because going into business is a risk, careful preparation is must. Once the decision has been made to start the business, the remaining part of running the business will be simple.
Before starting the business, its very essential to approach the legal consultant and chartered accountant, so that the will help by giving proper procedures to follow before starting the business.

After all this discussion I have some more to say about business,
Few believe me when I tell them of the fortunes they can make starting with nothing...
My system is simple. It makes use of the fact that most people don’t understand or appreciate what it takes to create more wealth and income - USING THEIR OWN EXISTING BUSINESS ASSETS OR OTHER'S OVERLOOKED ASSETS!
"I am appalled at how few business owners leverage off of their hard earned assets. Fortunes have been made by following my simple step -by-step system. This creates wealth for EVERYONE!

My program is not a self serving "I win and you lose" program. It is a program where I share my incredibly simple techniques for creating profit centers, starting from scratch, where everyone wins". MICHAEL E. ENLOW "

The teacher, if indeed wise, does not bid you enter the house of their wisdom, but leads you to the threshold of your own mind." Kahil Gibran

How To Create Wealth From Other's Overlooked Assets And Be The "Knight in Shining Armor" For Doing It!

Sometimes I feel like I have the only pair of "macroscopic glasses" (to see the big picture) when examining businesses and the many opportunities for creating additional cash flow.
Almost every business I consult has no less than 3 (and often 10) different ways to almost immediately create additional cash flow from their existing efforts, clients and advertisements.
What I will be sharing with you is one of the most simple of these concepts I call "Joint Venture Alliances" or
Co-Ventures. I will assume you have no knowledge of marketing for the benefit of those of you who are less familiar with my marketing techniques.



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