Whether the daughter can get a partition of ancestral property by disowning the relinquishment deed?
Whether the daughter can get a partition of ancestral property by disowning the relinquishment deed? In the High Court of Madras (Before G. Jayachandran, J.) Tmt. Karuppathal Vs P. Ponnusamy, (deceased) A.S. No. 809 of 2009 Decided on February 17, 2021, Citation: 2021 SCC OnLine Mad 677 The plaintiffs, while admitting the execution of sale deed Ex.A-2, refute the release deed. The recital in the release deed refers the execution of sale deed Ex.A-2 in respect of 0.91 cents and about the receipt of Rs. 2,32,060/- each by the plaintiffs 1 and 2, as consideration for relinquishing their right in the remaining property, left by their father.{Para 11} 12. Two reasons are mentioned in Ex.A-4 for the cancellation of the release deed Ex.A-3. First, it was obtained by fraud and misrepresentation. They came to know about it, when they applied for encumbrance certificate. Second, the plaintiffs were not paid the full amount agreed by the defendants 1 to 5. These two reasons...