
Showing posts from April, 2023

How to establish the art of cross-examination - This article explains the different methods to follow for a successful cross-examination.

 How to establish the art of cross-examination - This article explains the different methods to follow for a successful cross-examination. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. What is cross-examination 3. Purpose and need to cross-examine 4. Aim and subject-matter of cross-examination 5. Preparation for cross-examination 5.1. Preparation for fact witnesses 5.2 Preparation for Expert witnesses 6. Make sure you have a cross-examination plan 7. Keep it short and simple  8. Avoid open-ended questions 9. Know when to stop 10. Use only leading questions 11. Destroying the witness’s credibility through cross-examination 11.1 By Observation 11.2 By confusing him 11.3 By changing the expression 12. Conduct during cross-examination 13. Conclusion References Chap 1. Introduction If there is a skill that every lawyer should learn, it is undoubtedly the art of cross-examination. It is much more than asking a set of questions to witnesses, it is an art form that requires years of practice...